growing pains
An experimental documentary following two people as they navigate outgrowing their comfort zone and having to move on.
An experimental documentary following two people as they navigate outgrowing their comfort zone and having to move on.
director’s statement
one morning, i discovered the roots of my spider plant poking up through the dirt, in desperate need of a re-potting. therefore, i dragged my roommate into making a documentary with me about moving on, outgrowing the space you’re in, but not being quite ready to move on to somewhere new yet. from that idea sprang growing pains, a study on where we came from and where we might go- and how damn scared we are to make that leap.
the re-potting of the spider plant throughout to film is meant to reflect the idea of outgrowing your current place in the world, and having to move on to the next one- even if you don’t quite fit it yet. we dropped hobart (that’s the spider plant’s name) into a variety of vaguely-pot-shaped things from around our house to reflect the idea that, when you do eventually move on, you may not land in the right place immediately.
we rented a JVC HD 330- the shittiest camera our school’s cage had to offer- and took to the roads. together we travelled, and together we filmed everything that reminded us of our childhoods and anything that might indicate our futures. abby, in what i will consider a stroke of divine intervention, decided to record a lunch with her great-grandma. oma, as she is lovingly called, proceeded to enlighten us with all of her 99 years of wisdom about life.